I was looking at this picture.  And I was thinking. Is there an elephant in your business? Right now…a problem that you’re facing that just feels like it’s soooo big…. It’s overwhelming?

You know problems and challenges, like elephants aren’t meant to be kept (like pets)

But, you know, there’s that little saying how do you eat an elephant. One bite at a time. First of all, who the heck wants to eat an elephant? But I say, how do you MOVE an elephant? And that’s one step at a time. So I have a little 3-step suggestion for you to take in order to move you out of your stalled fear, anxiety, and back on track, again. First off, you’re going to identify the problem you’re going to put it down on paper and you’re going to list all the things that why it’s causing you anxiety and all the obstacles that you have. Whatever is bad. Write it down, and list it! Don’t write stories. Just list.

Number 2, then you’re going to pick one of those items on the list..Any one will do! And then you’re going to say what are something I can do about it. What’s a teeny step I could do about this. What’s a big step: Who can I call, what can I buy, what do I need to ask? What decision do I have to make. That’s all. You’re just going to pick one and break down into all the little things/tasks you could do with that.

And then number 3, you guessed it, you’re gonna do it, you can take that step, any one of those small actions will do. They all count. But what the difference is, is that you’re going to move and shift in the direction you want to go instead of being stuck and watching, everybody herd ahead. You want to get the junk out of your trunk. Okay, even elephants lose their way. All you have to do is turn and take one step. For elephants every step means another in the direction of miles and miles and miles. You can do this, just take one small step, and you’ll be on your way. Again, remember one step forward, is one step through.

You have an elephant your business?

Not anymore.